Ridley’s In Action – 1980


Well, you guys are in for a special treat, I have spent all day down the Essex Records Office trawling through the archives and whilst there is much work to be done, I found this:


I apologise for the quality but it was 35 years old and for the breathing in places, there was no sound as all they had was headphones, being this was my 3rd attempt I wasn’t going to risk multitasking as well.

I also came across this:



This shows that there were records of the brewery ledgers here before 2005, my challenge now is to find out wether they still exist at all.

I am not holding out much hope. I have also been able to locate where the barrel hoist and housing for the remaining 6 fermenters was as well as the chilling equipment and whirlpool/under back.

I will see how it all fits together and post it later.

Keep yours eyes peeled for a second special edition.

Until next time,


2 thoughts on “Ridley’s In Action – 1980

  1. Well done Kyle that’s much as I remember it when I visited in the 80’s,interesting to see they roused the yeast,I suppose with quantities involved they needed to,just a bit more yeast than you or me use


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